Program Availability
The Teaching English as a Second Language/TEFL Certificate program is open to currently enrolled students who wish to increase their employability, particularly in teaching English in foreign countries. The program is especially suited for students interested in pursuing a graduate certificate in Teaching English as a Second Language/TEFL. Students should consult with their advisors before enrolling in courses to ensure suitability and to plan their program of study.
The certificate in teaching English as a second language or a foreign language is also open to working professionals. For application instructions, visit Admissions.
Program Highlights
Students in the Teaching English as a Second Language/TEFL Certificate program prepare to teach English to non-English speaking individuals in foreign countries. The certificate program is enhanced with two years of study in a non-native language (options include French, Japanese, Latin, and Spanish); a three-month experience living in a non-native culture; or three months of teaching English as a second language/foreign language or another form of a cross-cultural experience.
The Teaching English as a Second Language/TEFL Certificate program consists of 12 credits focusing on linguistics, teaching English as a second language, language acquisition, and pedagogical grammar in teaching English as a second language/foreign language. Students may also take foreign language classes in a single language: French, Japanese, Latin, and Spanish.

Transfer Credit
Indiana State University accepts credit from regionally accredited colleges and universities within the United States, and from selected schools located outside the United States. Credit also may be granted for military training and experience. Previously earned college credit can be applied toward completion of the program per Indiana State's transfer guidelines.
Transfer GuidelinesCareer Possibilities
Indiana State’s Teaching English as a Second Language/TEFL Certificate program is excellent preparation for students seeking to work abroad as teachers of English to non-English speaking individuals, particularly to adult learners. Students are prepared to work as English as a Second Language/TEFL teachers or bilingual teachers in adult education organizations, libraries, vocation centers, prisons, and more. Many of our alumni also pursue graduate studies.
Teaching English as a Second Language/Foreign Language Graduate Certificate
Graduate Certificate / Licensure
Language Studies Teaching (BA)
TESL and Linguistics (MA)